Hole #11

Par 4 - 401 Yards - S.I. 5 Men | 16 Ladies

The 11th is a 90 degree dogleg shaped hole, with the fairway turning to the left after 250 yards. The tee is slightly elevated, relative to the fairway, and the fairway slopes quite prominently from right to left. The ideal tee shot will be aimed down the right side, allowing the slope of the fairway to feed the ball towards the middle, and in effect, closer to the green. Tee shots going too far left can flirt with the Out of Bounds fence, and also risk being obstructed from playing the second shot onto the green by the line of trees.

Glynneath Golf Club - Hole 11

For those players able to hit the ball far enough, the slope on the fairway will gather the ball and help it to feed down into what is known locally as 'The Dingle' - where an area of the slope has been removed and an inviting flat area remains. Finishing up in The Dingle will leave a 90 yard pitch onto the green, however, those balls that do not reach will have a downhill, mid or short iron approach shot.

Glynneath Golf Club - Hole 11

The green is relatively small and is not very deep, giving little margin for error with your club selection. It is, however, quite flat. It is quite easy to overshoot this green which will leave a difficult chip shot, at best! The Out of Bounds line lies just 15 yards behind the green, so beware!

The 11th is not a hole to get complacent on.